I put together one of these small  (each 8″x8″) collages every day, as a sort of gestural interpretation of my mood. They are quickly assembled, then thoughtfully finished over the next several weeks. I like to think of them as a visual calendar.

17 responses »

  1. What a fantastic idea. I’d love to hear more about what that was like for you- how you would describe the subtleties….
    Thank you for sharing!

    • Thanks for having a look! I think the key is to do the practice daily…that way the colors and shapes become like a language on their own. I don’t have to think, “okay, I was a little depressed, so I’ll choose this gray shape, and then this wonderful thing happened, so here’s this shiny pink star…” There is no “translation” stage. I just gather the bits I’ve picked up over the day, glance over scraps from previous days, meditate for just a few moments to clear my head, then just shift papers around until it feels right. Not every one becomes finished art, though every one is an honest conveyance of my mood. With that as my basis, I add watercolor, texture, even other collage materials later At that time, it’s thoughtful work rather than instinctual and gestural. I hope this helps to clarify the process. I’m glad you stopped in!

    • I enjoy them very much. It’s a way to transition from one world to the next for me. Nothing too fussy, no way to fail, just playing with paper and colors…gets me in the studio frame of mind! Thanks for having a look!

  2. I want to be more organised and “DO SOMETHING” “ANYTHING” everyday. II admire that you do, Instead of which I’m trolling through blogs (enjoying for sure) but I’m not creating! You’re an inspiration.

    • Thank you! It took me a long time to develop a daily discipline. I hate to admit that what helped was having the only television in the house hooked up in the studio. I go up for the news and Jeopardy…by the time those programs are over, I’m hooked on an art project!

  3. Thanks for taking the time to reply. I’ve never dared to put a T.V. in the room where I create, even though the only things I find worth watching are the two you mention plus Downtown Abbey when it’s on.

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